Graham Offers Trump Some Advice on How To Avoid Prosecution

A former president is facing criminal charges for the first time in U.S. history. The former president reportedly instructed Michael Cohen to transfer $130,000 in hush money to Stormy Daniels before the 2016 presidential election. Juan Merchan, interim justice for the New York County Supreme Court, is slated to preside over the arraignment on Tuesday.

Lindsey Graham, a Republican from South Carolina, chastised Manhattan District Attorney (DA) Alvin Bragg for the indictment of former President Donald Trump. On Twitter, Graham pondered the question of how President Trump could avoid prosecution in New York. Of course, Graham even found a potential answer. His advice to Donald Trump was to break some windows, loot a few stores and attack a policeman on the way to the DA’s office. Graham went on to say he would be freed “IMMEDIATELY!”

Screenshot: Twitter: Lindsey Graham

Graham’s comments were designed to criticize Bragg, who had promised in January 2022 that no offenders would face prison time unless they were proven guilty of murder, serious felonies, significant white-collar crimes, or sex offenses. Since entering office, the district attorney has reduced 52% of felony charges to misdemeanors, while 49% of felony cases have been granted bail. No need to wonder why the crime rate is so high in New York.

Alvin Bragg stated in a memo that robberies would be treated as “misdemeanor petty larceny” unless someone was physically hurt. Bragg repealed the policy in February 2022. He later revised it to declare that commercial robberies conducted with a pistol, at knifepoint, or with another weapon shall be charged as a felony.

Before entering office in January 2021, Bragg’s campaign got $1 million from Democratic megadonor George Soros through the Color of Change PAC, a progressive organization aimed at electing liberal prosecutors.

Graham urged his followers and fans of Trump to donate to Trump in response to the indictment, accusing the DA’s office of deliberately pursuing a political agenda to try to reshape the 2024 presidential race.

Graham is hardly the only Republican using comedy to make his case.

One Republican lawmaker, Barry Moore, decided to give out “Indict this!” ham sandwiches. What’s the deal with ham sandwiches? Former New York State Chief Judge Sol Wachtler claimed that district attorneys might convince a grand jury to “indict a ham sandwich” because of their undue influence over the panel’s decision-making process. It wasn’t all in good fun. Moore did have ham sandwiches ready for anyone who requested one.

Screenshot: Twitter: Barry Moore

“The sandwiches are done!” He tweeted with a snapshot of his sandwiches. Advising his followers that he would love to meet them.

Trump’s indictment looks to be doing the reverse of what Democrats desired. From Trump’s ardent supporters to Republicans who have been skeptical of him to those who haven’t stated their allegiances in 2024 are now coming forward to accuse the Left.

On Friday, Trump critic Sen. Thom Tillis (R-NC) stated that This indictment smells wrong. The Department of Justice has already investigated the facts and determined that no case will be brought against President Trump. He added that politics should never skew the balance of justice, and Congress has every right to scrutinize the Manhattan D.A.’s office’s actions and decision-making.

Vivek Ramaswamy, one of Trump’s only formal opponents, went so far as to urge President Joseph Biden to proclaim the charge “a politically driven prosecution” to restore national unity.

Following Trump’s indictment, one GOP strategist told The Daily Beast that the indictment would only benefit Trump. Polling shows that most voters, including independent voters, see this as partisan. The GOP Strategist is predicting that Trump’s numbers will get even stronger.