Where Did the Millions Go? Republicans Want Answers to Biden’s Missing Super PAC Funds

President Joe Biden’s Super PAC has failed to disclose almost $12 million in revenue, prompting calls for an investigation.

According to Future Forward, its affiliated charity, Future Forward USA Action, gave them $ 3.4 million. Despite this, Future Forward USA Action claimed in its tax documents that it had transferred $15.3 million to Future Forward.

Future Forward is led by Chauncey McLean, who previously worked for Barack Obama’s presidential campaigns.

Requests for comment from Future Forward went unanswered.

The Washington Free Beacon initially reported the discrepancy.

The National Legal and Policy Center (NLPC) has requested an investigation into the discrepancy from the Federal Election Commission (FEC) because it may violate federal law.

According to the complaint, Future Forward omitted the receipt of almost $12 million. The FEC was encouraged to issue subpoenas for relevant documents and testimony and thoroughly investigate the allegations made in the complaint.

Paul Kamenar, NLPC counsel, questioned where the money is. He told The Epoch Times Future Forward has some explaining to do concerning the non-disclosure.

Since the payments appear to have been designated for Future Forward and the organization was functioning as a conduit, NLPC also claims that Future Forward USA Action ought to have disclosed the identities of its donors.

“They have to disclose who the donors were to the nonprofit because those are really the donors to the PAC,” Kamenar said.

Similar investigations have resulted in fines.

The American Conservative Union, for example, received $1.7 million and immediately transferred money to a PAC without disclosing the contributor’s identity. The FEC found a violation of a law that states no individual may intentionally donate in the name of another individual or allow their name to be used to effect such contributions. No individual may knowingly accept a contribution made by another individual using the individual’s name.

The FEC fined the union $350,000.

A representative for the FEC told The Epoch Times that the agency does not discuss pending or potential complaints. There is a legal requirement for confidentiality surrounding all investigative matters until they are resolved.

The commission claims it investigates allegations of wrongdoing revealed by measures such as audits, complaints, and inspections of campaign financing records.

The FEC will process the complaint and presumably send it to Future Forward, who will have the option to lodge a defense.

Top Biden administration officials have praised Future Forward.

Anita Dunn, a top adviser to President Biden, recently said Future Forward was the pre-eminent super PAC supporting the Biden-Harris agenda and 2024 efforts.

Jennifer O’Malley Dillon, a White House official who served as the president’s 2020 campaign manager, said the super PAC was critical in helping President Biden win the 2020 election and would again play a key role in 2024.

Those comments came after President Biden in 2022 said dark money was a “serious problem facing our democracy” and announced his support for a law crafted by Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.).

The law, known as the DISCLOSE Act, would require nonprofits and super PACs to make public the names of people and entities that donate at least $10,000 in a single election cycle.

Some Republicans suggested Future Forward is on their radar.

Rep. Bryan Steil (R-Wis.), the House Administration Committee chairman, told the Washington Examiner that “PACs have had to follow disclosure requirements for decades. There’s no exception for groups with ties to Team Biden. Sunlight is the best disinfectant and ultimately helps build Americans’ confidence in elections.”

“Any organization that appears to be skirting federal transparency laws ought to be investigated,” added Rep. Ralph Norman (R-S.C.), a member of the Freedom Caucus. “If this were a pro-Republican organization, the likelihood of such an investigation would be a near certainty.”