Kentucky Woman Charged with Animal Cruelty as Dogs Rescued from Deplorable Conditions

LOUISVILLE, Ky. – A Kentucky woman has been charged with animal cruelty after eight dogs were found in deplorable conditions in a Louisville home. The dogs were discovered living in filth and neglect, abandoned by those responsible for their care.

Vallary Amato, a 52-year-old woman, was responsible for the dogs’ well-being but instead left them to live in severe neglect. The dogs, owned by her son and his partner, were found living in a room covered in several feet of feces, deprived of socialization and proper care.

Concerned neighbors reported a foul smell and incessant barking coming from the property, prompting an investigation by Louisville Metro Animal Services. After multiple visits, the dogs were finally removed from the home in November. Amato now faces eight counts of animal cruelty and a violation of a local ordinance, with a court order prohibiting her from having contact with animals.

The rescued dogs have been placed in loving foster homes, beginning their journey to recovery after enduring horrific conditions. The investigation continues, raising questions about the accountability of the home’s owners in this case of appalling animal neglect.

In summary, a Kentucky woman faces charges of animal cruelty after eight dogs were found living in deplorable conditions in a Louisville home. The dogs, now safe in foster care, were subjected to severe neglect before being rescued. The investigation into this case of animal cruelty continues as the dogs begin their path to healing.