Accident on Goa Border Leads Police to Bengaluru CEO Who Allegedly Killed Her Child

PANAJI, GOA – The police’s investigation into the tragic killing of a four-year-old boy in Goa led them to a Bengaluru CEO, following a series of events that eventually led to her arrest in Karnataka.

The sequence of events began with an accident near the Goa border which caused a major traffic jam, delaying the suspect’s escape from the state. According to police sources, this delay proved crucial in preventing the disposal of the child’s body, as the suspect was attempting to flee to Bengaluru.

Suchana Seth, the CEO of Mindful AI, was arrested in Chitradurga, Karnataka, after allegedly killing her son at a service apartment in Candolim. The woman was reportedly involved in a custody battle with her estranged husband, Venkat Raman. The couple’s divorce documents revealed a history of domestic violence accusations and a restraining order against Mr. Raman.

In a disturbing turn of events, the suspect allegedly sent a message to her estranged husband granting him visitation rights to their son, only to then take the child’s life while in Goa. The police discovered two empty bottles of cough syrup in the room where the incident took place, leading officials to suspect premeditation in the child’s death.

Following her arrest, Suchana Seth was remanded in police custody for six days in Mapusa town of Goa, while Venkat Raman took possession of his son’s body after the post-mortem. The details of this tragic case continue to unfold as the authorities work to uncover the full extent of the events leading to the child’s death.