Mysterious Deaths Raise Concerns Over Conditions at Parkview Apartments

Albany, N.Y. (AP) – An emergency meeting was convened on December 1 by the Parkview Apartments Tenant Association President, Diane Deitz. The residents gathered to address the recent deaths of several tenants in the building over a period of just two weeks, as reported by Deitz.

According to Deitz, there have been nine deaths in the past two weeks, coupled with reports of mold infestations within the building. The concern among the residents has prompted this urgent meeting.

A spokesperson representing Noelle Affordable Housing Corporation, the owner of Parkview Apartments, responded to the claims by stating that three people passed away in November 2023, all due to natural causes and while they were hospitalized.

The meeting attendees also raised complaints about rodent and pest infestations, as well as water access issues that have been persistent since last year. Deitz herself has been in and out of the hospital, and multiple tenants have reported mold in their blood in recent months.

In June 2023, the apartments were inspected for damages by code enforcement while under the management of Commercial Residential Management. Since October 1, 2023, Wingate has taken over as the new management company.

The Noelle Affordable Housing Corporation disclosed that a $16 million renovation of Parkview was completed in 2016, and efforts have been made to ensure the proper functioning of the hot water, electrical, and plumbing systems. Despite these assurances, concerns among the tenants still exist after the flooding incident and other ongoing issues.

Wingate has stated that they are committed to taking preventative measures to avoid further water damage or disruptions, but tenants and community organizers remain skeptical.

As of December 21, 2023, the Albany County Health Department and Noelle Affordable Housing Corporation have both responded to inquiries about the reported deaths and ongoing concerns within Parkview.