Fatal hit-and-run drunk driving case ends with maximum sentence of 24 years behind bars

Greeley, Colorado – A man who struck and killed a Weld County sheriff’s deputy in a hit-and-run accident has been sentenced to up to 24 years in prison. The tragic incident occurred when the deputy, Alexis Hein-Nutz, was riding her motorcycle to work on September 18, 2022.

37-year-old Norberto Garcia-Gonzales, who is in the country illegally, was handed the maximum sentence by Judge Timothy Kerns for fleeing the scene of a crash involving death. Following his prison term, Garcia-Gonzales will face deportation.

He had originally faced several charges, including leaving the scene of a crash, careless driving, and failure to yield right of way, among others, but he pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of a crash involving death. The other charges were subsequently dropped.

The collision occurred when Garcia-Gonzales pulled out in front of Hein-Nutz at an intersection. After the crash, he fled the scene on foot, leaving Hein-Nutz dead at the scene. Police apprehended Garcia-Gonzales the following night in Fort Collins.

Garcia-Gonzales had a history of driving under the influence, having been convicted after two separate crashes in 2011 and 2013, the latter also being a hit-and-run.

During the sentencing, Hein-Nutz’s family, as well as former colleagues, addressed the court, emphasizing the impact of the tragic loss and pleading for the maximum sentence for Garcia-Gonzales.

In his defense, Garcia-Gonzales expressed remorse for his actions, stating that the crash was not intentional and offering an apology to the family, the police, and the community. Despite his statement, Judge Kerns reinforced the severity of the sentence, citing Garcia-Gonzales’ criminal history and disregard for punishment.

The tragic incident and its aftermath have deeply affected both the law enforcement community and Hein-Nutz’s family. It serves as a sobering reminder of the consequences of reckless and irresponsible behavior on the road, as well as the importance of accountability and justice in such cases.

In conclusion, Norberto Garcia-Gonzales has been sentenced to a maximum of 24 years in prison for the hit-and-run death of Weld County sheriff’s deputy Alexis Hein-Nutz, leaving behind a grieving family and a community in mourning. Such cases underscore the critical need for both road safety and responsible actions behind the wheel, as well as the imperative of upholding justice in the face of tragic loss.