Bhumi Pednekar Shines in Director Pulkit’s Gritty Real-Life Crime Drama, Bhakshak, Exposing Bihar Child Abuse Racket

Mumbai, India – Acclaimed actress Bhumi Pednekar takes on the role of a Patna-based journalist in the intense real-life crime drama “Bhakshak,” which sheds light on a child abuse racket in a Bihar shelter home. The film delves into the chilling realities of child abuse and the importance of raising awareness about this heinous crime.

In an exclusive interview with Zoom, Bhumi Pednekar discussed the significance of her role and the impact of the film on audiences. She emphasized the gravity of child abuse, stating that it is the worst crime against humanity and must be addressed to create a safer world for children. Pednekar also highlighted the fact that child abuse affects not only girls, but also boys, and is prevalent across various socioeconomic backgrounds.

The actress expressed her belief that “Bhakshak” is one of her most relevant films to date, alongside another project that shed light on societal issues. She credited the director for his dedication to bringing attention to such crucial topics through filmmaking. Pednekar commended the director’s approach to the production, noting the meticulous attention to detail and technical finesse that made the film visually impactful.

Furthermore, Pednekar shared insights into the challenges of portraying her role and the emotional impact of delving into the harrowing real-life incidents that inspired the film. She emphasized the importance of creating public awareness about child abuse through compelling storytelling and powerful performances.

The actress also lauded her co-star, Sanjay Mishra, and the rest of the cast for their exceptional performances, highlighting their collective dedication to bringing the characters to life on screen. Amidst the intense subject matter, Pednekar expressed her appreciation for the opportunity to work with a director who allowed her to focus on her craft, resulting in a compelling and impactful cinematic experience for audiences.