Stalker of Melbourne woman Celeste Manno seeks freedom despite bloody execution

MELBOURNE, Australia – The perpetrator of the brutal murder of Celeste Manno, a young woman from Melbourne, is seeking to evade justice after carrying out a calculated and gruesome act that shook the local community. The assailant, Luay Nader Sako, viciously stabbed Ms. Manno up to 23 times in November 2020, as she lay in her bed at her mother’s house in Mernda, a suburb in Melbourne’s north-east. Sako then brazenly drove to the nearest police station to begin a prolonged legal process that continues to this day.

Born in Iraq during Saddam Hussein’s reign, Sako immigrated to Australia with his family in 1992. He carried out the heinous murder of his former work colleague, Ms. Manno, after a relentless year-long campaign of stalking and harassment. His actions were driven by jealousy and a warped sense of entitlement, fueled by the discovery of Ms. Manno’s new boyfriend on social media.

Sako’s attempts to manipulate forensic experts in order to evade responsibility are evident, as he seeks to portray himself as criminally insane. However, multiple psychiatrists have reinforced the fact that he was fully aware of the consequences of his actions at the time of the murder. This has resulted in a prolonged and torturous legal process for Ms. Manno’s grieving family, as they are forced to relive the trauma time and time again.

The disturbing case of Sako’s relentless pursuit of Ms. Manno, leading to her tragic death, reflects broader issues of violence and harassment against women. It also highlights the shortcomings of the justice system in addressing and preventing such horrific acts. The victim’s family has endured immense pain and suffering, feeling that the justice system has failed to provide appropriate compassion and accountability for their daughter’s senseless murder.