Broward County Man Arrested Again After Fatal Highway Trooper Chase

FORT PIERCE, Fla. – A Broward County man is in custody after being arrested in connection to the deaths of a state trooper and a truck driver. Michael Addison, 30, is facing charges for leading Florida Highway Patrol Trooper James Zachary Fink on a chase that ended in a fatal crash on Interstate 95. The crash resulted in the tragic deaths of Fink and the truck driver.

Addison has a history of run-ins with the law, including multiple arrests and warrants. Court records reveal that his probation was revoked in May 2022 after he was involved in a violent incident with his ex-girlfriend and failed to fulfill probation-related obligations. Additionally, Addison was previously on probation for charges related to identity theft and attempted theft.

In another incident, Addison was accused of stealing iPhones with the help of a Walmart employee, as well as punching and dragging a woman. His criminal record also includes charges for burglary, grand theft, and various traffic violations. Addison’s financial troubles are also evident in court records, as he was evicted from his apartment in Broward County due to unpaid rent.

The motive behind Addison’s decision to flee from Trooper Fink and the subsequent fatal crash has not been publicly disclosed. However, his history of evading the law and engaging in criminal activities sheds light on his disregard for the safety of others.

As of Sunday night, Addison is being held in custody without bond in Fort Pierce. Authorities have not released the arrest report, and the State Attorney’s Office for Broward County has yet to issue a statement. The tragic incident has left a community mourning the loss of lives, while also raising questions about the effectiveness of the criminal justice system in preventing individuals like Addison from causing further harm.