Revolutionary Burst Power Ceramic Coil Vape Solution Unveiled by FEELM

Las Vegas, NV – FEELM, a leading vape solution provider, has unveiled the world’s first “burst power ceramic coil” vape solution, promising an explosion of flavor for consumers. The FEELM Turbo solution utilizes cutting-edge ceramic coil technology, allowing for intense flavors, powerful vapor, and a long product life.

FEELM stated, “It can deliver intense flavors, powerful vapor in the shortest time, and enduringly long product life. Products equipped with FEELM Turbo have smaller sizes yet deliver even higher bursts of vapor, making them perfectly adapted to the disposables and pod-system categories.” This advancement also promises a 200 percent improvement in taste intensity and more efficient atomization of large molecules, resulting in a richer and more satisfying hit in just 0.5 seconds.

At the TPE exhibition, FEELM showcased an ultra-thin burst power disposable product, impressing consumers with its elegant thinness, excellent feel, and powerful first puff. The FEELM Turbo solution delivers significantly more vapor at a lower power setting and offers a richer flavor experience, with a constant power engine technology ensuring consistent flavor and vapor volume throughout the product’s lifespan.

“In comparison to mainstream products, FEELM Turbo products demonstrate a 35 percent improvement in flavor consistency and a remarkable 95 percent consistency in vapor volume,” the company stated, highlighting the exceptional quality and performance of their latest vape solution. With its innovative technology and promising benefits, FEELM has set a new standard for vape solutions, providing consumers with a more satisfying and flavorful experience.