Teen fatally shot outside movie theater in Warner Robins in increasing gun violence trend ravaging community

WARNER ROBINS, Ga. – In Warner Robins, Georgia, a 14-year-old boy named TraQuavis Holloway was tragically shot and killed during a fight on Saturday night, leaving his family devastated. According to his father, Tommie Holloway, TraQuavis had pleaded to go to the movies that evening, and after some hesitation, Tommie finally agreed and dropped him off at the Galleria Cinema on Margie Drive. Tragically, just 20 minutes later, they received a phone call informing them that something had happened to their son.

Police Sgt. Justin Clark explained that the incident started at the Galleria Cinema, where a group of juveniles were asked to leave the theater and then moved across the street to a dealership. A dispute ensued, and although TraQuavis was not involved in the argument, he ended up being shot in the head. An officer at the scene tried to help TraQuavis while the 13-year-old suspected shooter fled to a nearby restaurant, where he was arrested.

Tommie Holloway, TraQuavis’ father, described his son as a good kid who loved playing sports and brightened up the room with his smile. He lamented the rise of violence and crime among teens and emphasized the need for positive influences to steer children away from gun violence.

The shooting comes in the wake of a troubling trend of violence in Warner Robins, as another homicide also occurred over the weekend. The community is reeling from the string of recent tragedies, with three people losing their lives in the past week. The 13-year-old suspect is facing serious charges and will be tried as an adult through the Houston County Superior Court.

In the face of their unimaginable loss, the Holloway family is calling for action to address the pressing issue of gun violence among young people. Their hope is that their son’s tragic death will not be in vain and will serve as a wake-up call to the community. They are not alone in their grief, and the community is banding together to address the root causes of these senseless acts of violence.