Devastated Joel Osteen vows ‘Evil will not prevail’ after shooting at 16800-seat Houston megachurch

HOUSTON, Texas – Pastor Joel Osteen expressed his shock and devastation after a shooting occurred at his 16800-seat Lakewood megachurch in Houston on Sunday. The incident, which took place during a service, left churchgoers and staff members shaken but fortunately did not result in any fatalities. Osteen, a well-known televangelist, delivered a message of resilience and faith following the ordeal.

The shooting occurred when a man entered the church with a gun and began firing before being subdued by church members. Osteen described the incident as a “senseless act of evil” and emphasized that the church community will not be shaken by the events. He also thanked the security team and Houston police for their quick response and handling of the situation.

While the exact motive behind the shooting remains unclear, Osteen urged his congregation and the public to focus on love and unity in the face of such adversity. The pastor reassured his followers that the church will continue to prioritize safety and security for all attendees and worshippers.

In response to the incident, Osteen emphasized the importance of coming together as a community and supporting one another in times of crisis. Despite the shock and chaos caused by the shooting, the pastor remains steadfast in his commitment to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all who attend Lakewood Church.

The shooting at the megachurch serves as a sobering reminder of the potential for violence in places of worship and the need for heightened security measures. Osteen’s message of resilience and unwavering faith in the wake of the shooting has resonated with many, as the community rallies together to support one another and move forward from the traumatic event.

As the investigation into the shooting continues, Osteen and the staff at Lakewood Church have expressed their gratitude for the outpouring of support and prayers from around the world. The incident has sparked discussions about the security of religious institutions and the importance of remaining steadfast in the face of adversity. Osteen’s message of hope and unity continues to inspire and uplift those affected by the shooting as they come to terms with the traumatic experience.