Son of Grieving Mother Killed Outside Sacramento Lounge Still Without Justice

Sacramento, CA – A mother in Sacramento is still seeking answers nearly three months after her son and the club owner were killed outside the Sacto By Night lounge. No arrests have been made in connection with their deaths, leaving the community and loved ones in mourning.

Mee Yang, the mother of 23-year-old Ryu Kai Her, is determined to keep her son’s memory alive and hopes that someone will come forward with the information needed to bring justice to those responsible for the tragic loss. Her son, described as a vibrant and joyful individual, was known for his love of dancing and bringing happiness to those around him.

The incident occurred on February 26th, when shots were fired in the parking lot of the Sacto By Night. Unfortunately, Her and the club’s owner, Ben Do, were unintended victims caught in the crossfire. The devastating impact of their deaths has left a void in the lives of their families and friends.

Despite the challenges faced in the aftermath of the tragedy, Yang is urging the public to come forward with any information regarding the night of the incident. She believes that knowing the identity of her son’s killer will provide a sense of closure and peace to the grieving family.

In a heartfelt tribute to her son, Yang shared videos of him dancing, highlighting the passion and joy he brought to those around him. More than 100 people gathered to honor his life at a memorial, reflecting on his role as a protector and his vibrant personality that touched so many.

As the investigation by the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Office continues, Yang remains steadfast in her quest for justice, holding on to cherished memories of her son’s infectious smile and vibrant presence in her everyday life. The community stands in solidarity with her, hopeful that answers will eventually come to light to bring closure to this senseless tragedy.