Dog Attack Leaves 4-Year-Old with Severe Scalp Injuries, Mother and Boyfriend Arrested

Omaha, Nebraska – A tragic incident involving a 4-year-old girl has shocked the community, as the young child suffered severe injuries in a dog attack. The girl, Lillianna Stratman, was visiting her mother when the attack occurred, resulting in scalp injuries that required immediate medical attention.

The attack, which left Lillianna’s scalp torn off, led to her hospitalization and prompted local authorities to take action. Both Lillianna’s mother and her boyfriend were charged in connection with the incident, shedding light on the importance of pet safety and supervision.

The devastating incident serves as a reminder of the potential dangers posed by animals, especially when young children are involved. It underscores the need for responsible pet ownership and vigilance in ensuring the safety of both pets and individuals.

Authorities are investigating the circumstances surrounding the attack to determine the sequence of events and prevent similar incidents in the future. The welfare of Lillianna is of utmost concern as she continues to recover from the traumatic experience.

This incident highlights the