Thessaloniki LGBTQ+ Community Unites Against Violent Attack With Massive Demonstration

Thessaloniki, Greece – Thousands of LGBTQ+ individuals and their supporters took to the streets of Thessaloniki in northern Greece in a powerful demonstration following a violent attack on two transgender individuals over the weekend. The large crowd assembled at Aristotelous Square, the site of the assault, on Sunday evening before marching through the city, raising Pride flags, and carrying banners denouncing fascism, homophobia, and transphobia.

The protest brought together LGBTQ+ community members, women’s groups, anti-fascist coalitions, and student organizers in a show of solidarity against hate. An anonymous attendee estimated that around 3,000 to 4,000 people participated in the gathering, indicating a significant turnout for an event organized in less than 24 hours.

During the demonstration, clashes between riot police and protesters erupted as the march progressed through the city center, with authorities resorting to tear gas and stun grenades to disperse the crowd. The protest was sparked by a disturbing incident the previous evening, where a group of individuals in black reportedly harassed two transgender individuals with homophobic slurs and physical violence.

The victims sought refuge in a nearby restaurant until the authorities intervened. Videos circulating on social media captured the chaos as the aggressive mob stormed through the square, terrorizing bystanders in cafes and eateries. Police reportedly detained 25 individuals at the scene, leading to the subsequent arrest of 21, including minors and adults.

Thessaloniki Mayor Stelios Angeloudis condemned the attack, emphasizing the city’s commitment to tolerance, respect for diversity, and rejection of racist attitudes. The incident occurred just days after Greece legalized same-sex marriage and adoption, marking a historic milestone for the predominantly Christian Orthodox country.

The assault has underscored the importance of events like EuroPride in Thessaloniki, scheduled later in the year, according to Steve Taylor, communications director of the European pride organizers Association. Such incidents serve as a reminder of the ongoing challenges faced by the LGBTQ+ community, despite recent legal advancements.

Local authorities have pledged heightened security measures for EuroPride to ensure the safety of participants, following the disturbing events surrounding the weekend attack. Thessaloniki Pride organizers have expressed their commitment to maintaining a safe environment for attendees, highlighting the overwhelming support from the local community and authorities against discrimination and violence.

The incident has also drawn attention from cultural and artistic circles in Thessaloniki, as the city hosts the Documentary Festival. Filmmakers and activists have united in condemning the violence, emphasizing the values of tolerance, inclusion, and dialogue in the face of hate and bigotry.

Lesbian activist Maria Katsikadakou and artist Fil Ieropoulos have voiced their concerns over the implications of the attack, questioning the societal progress in light of recent legislative changes. The aftermath of the assault has revealed a stark reality of lingering prejudice and discrimination facing marginalized communities, despite legal advancements in Greece.