Water-Based Infections and Deaths Spark Criminal Investigation at Oregon Medical Center

Medford, Oregon is currently at the center of a complex situation involving Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center, which is facing a criminal investigation, OSHA probe, and a lawsuit due to water-based infections and deaths on its premises.

Since late 2022, the hospital has experienced a surge in central line-associated bloodstream infections, primarily affecting patients in the intensive care and coronary care units located in an older section of the facility. Concerns about the water quality at Asante arose as a response to the spike in infections, although the hospital initially denied any issues with water quality and stated that they had taken steps to address the problem.

Data from the Oregon Health Authority revealed a significant increase in central line infections in 2022 and 2023 compared to previous years, raising red flags regarding the hospital’s practices. In the spring of 2023, OSHA initiated an investigation into Asante’s water supply, pointing to potential contamination that could be contributing to the infections.

As the investigation unfolded, the first of several lawsuits against Asante was filed, alleging wrongful death due to contaminated water. The lawsuit, filed by the estate of a patient who passed away in 2022, revealed troubling details about the use of tap water in IV lines, potentially leading to the deaths of multiple patients in the ICU and CCU.

Substantial evidence suggests that a former employee may have tampered with medication by replacing it with tap water, leading to fatal infections in patients. As the case continues to unravel, multiple families are pursuing legal action against Asante for the loss of their loved ones at the hands of negligent practices within the hospital.

The situation at Asante brings to light the concerning issue of substance use disorder among healthcare professionals, with reports indicating that a percentage of clinical staff engage in illegal activities such as drug diversion. The hospital’s failure to prevent such misconduct highlights the importance of stringent monitoring and oversight in healthcare facilities to ensure patient safety and prevent harm.

In response to the ongoing investigations and legal actions, a legal firm in Medford announced that they are representing over 50 individuals affected by the water-based infections at Asante, with a significant number of cases involving wrongful death. The emerging details of the case underscore the need for transparency, accountability, and improved safeguards within the healthcare industry to prevent similar tragedies from occurring in the future.