Thermonuclear Explosion Inside Supercomputer Unlocks Secrets of Neutron Stars

Stony Brook, New York – Supercomputers have revolutionized the way astronomers and researchers study astronomical phenomena, allowing them to conduct highly complex computer simulations with unprecedented accuracy and detail. These simulations provide valuable insights into the inner workings of celestial objects like neutron stars, shedding light on their formation, evolution, and properties.

Neutron stars are the remnants of massive stars that have undergone a supernova explosion, leaving behind a small but incredibly dense core. Scientists are particularly interested in understanding the properties of neutron stars, given their extreme densities and bizarre physical characteristics. By running simulations on supercomputers, researchers can delve into the complexities of these enigmatic objects and explore the behavior of matter under extreme conditions.

Computational astrophysicist Michael Zingale of the State University of New York at Stony Brook explains the importance of simulations in unraveling the mysteries of neutron stars, stating, “We can see these events happen in finer detail with a simulation. One of the things we want to do is understand the properties of the neutron star because we want to understand how matter behaves at the extreme densities you would find in a neutron star.”

One of the key phenomena associated with neutron stars is thermonuclear explosions, which can occur when the intense gravity of the star consumes surrounding material. These explosions release X-radiation bursts that have far-reaching effects, offering valuable clues about the nature of neutron stars. By analyzing these bursts, researchers hope to gain a deeper understanding of the underlying structure of neutron stars and their unique properties.

Recent experiments conducted on the Summit supercomputer at Oak Ridge National Laboratory have allowed researchers to simulate thermonuclear explosions in three dimensions, providing a more comprehensive view of these cataclysmic events. The 3D model created by the simulations depicted a neutron star with temperatures millions of times hotter than the Sun and a remarkable spin speed of 1,000 rotations per second. This groundbreaking research is expected to enhance our understanding of neutron stars and the extreme conditions that exist within them.