Hammer Attack: Man Receives Life Sentence for Killing Best Friend

Birmingham, England – A man has been sentenced to life in prison after a violent hammer attack resulted in the death of his friend. Gary O’Neill, 32, was overheard discussing the incident on a bus from Birmingham to Glasgow, leading to his arrest when passengers alerted the authorities. The jury found O’Neill not guilty of murder but accepted his plea of manslaughter due to diminished responsibility in the death of Kenneth Ford on February 27, 2022.

During the trial at Birmingham Crown Court, it was revealed that O’Neill had attacked his “best friend,” 30-year-old Mr. Ford, at a Birmingham bedsit. Concerned friends contacted the police after discovering Mr. Ford at the property on Colebrook Road with severe bruising and puncture wounds, tragically resulting in his death.

Simultaneously, a bus passenger traveling to Scotland called emergency services after overhearing O’Neill discussing the attack on the phone, indicating that assistance was needed for “straightening Ken out.” Upon arriving in Glasgow, O’Neill was promptly arrested by Police Scotland, where evidence of blood-stained clothing and Mr. Ford’s blood on his joggers linked him to the crime scene.

Despite initially refusing to answer questions during interviews, DNA tests and phone analysis confirmed O’Neill’s presence at the scene. In sentencing at Stafford Crown Court, O’Neill was given a minimum of 10 years in prison. Detective Inspector Michelle Thurgood of West Midlands Police expressed hope that the verdict would bring peace to Mr. Ford’s family, emphasizing that their thoughts are with them during this difficult time.