Trump’s Violent Assault on U.S. Capitol Exposed by Biden in New Video

Washington, D.C. – President Joe Biden sharply criticized Donald Trump’s false claims about the 2020 election, highlighting that Trump himself attempted to steal the election through the violent attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. In response to Trump’s attempts to rewrite history by downplaying the events of that day, Biden released a video showing the stark contrast between Trump’s words and the violent reality of the Capitol riot.

Trump has sought to reframe the events of January 6th as a peaceful protest, referring to the rioters as hostages and suggesting he would pardon them if elected. However, Biden’s video exposes the truth of the violent assault on democracy that occurred as a result of Trump’s actions. The footage juxtaposes Trump’s claims of love and unity with scenes of the chaos and attacks on law enforcement carried out by his supporters.

In a tweet accompanying the video, Biden accused Trump of trying to manipulate history in the same way he tried to manipulate the election. The President emphasized the importance of acknowledging the truth of what transpired on January 6th and resisting attempts to distort the events of that day. By sharing this video, Biden aims to remind the public of the grave threat posed by the violent insurrection instigated by Trump and his supporters.

The video posted by Biden’s campaign’s rapid response team serves as a powerful reminder of the disturbing events that unfolded on January 6th. By presenting a direct contrast between Trump’s revisionist narrative and the harrowing reality witnessed by the nation, Biden seeks to hold accountable those responsible for the attack on democracy. The footage captures the violent nature of the siege on the Capitol, dispelling any illusions of peaceful protest propagated by Trump and his allies.

Through his swift response on social media, Biden reaffirmed his commitment to upholding the truth and defending democracy against attempts to distort or erase history. By confronting Trump’s false narrative head-on, Biden aims to educate the public about the dangers of misinformation and gaslighting in the political sphere. The President’s unwavering stance against revisionism and his dedication to transparency serve as a testament to his commitment to upholding the integrity of the democratic process.