Brothers Spared Prison After Brutal Attack Due to Full Prisons: Sentenced to Rehabilitation and Compensation

Carlisle, United Kingdom – Two brothers in Carlisle, United Kingdom who viciously assaulted a young man on a city street have avoided immediate jail time due to prison capacity issues. CCTV footage captured the violent attack carried out by Kenneth Brown, 27, and Shaun Brown, 24, on a street in the early hours of October 30, 2022.

The Brown brothers were reported to have been attending a reunion for veterans of the Kings Own Royal Border Regiment alongside their father, who is a former soldier. Bar staff at the Apple Tree noticed their confrontational behavior, with one staff member warning them against fighting as she ended her shift.

In the early hours of the morning, the brothers encountered a stranger on the street and began assaulting him after expressing their allegiance to the Liverpool Football Club. The victim, who was a Manchester United fan, was subjected to a brutal onslaught of punches, kicks, and stamps for several minutes.

Kenneth Brown threw the victim into a shop front, while his brother held the victim down as the attack continued. Shaun Brown dealt a severe blow to the victim’s head, rendering him motionless before the brothers fled the scene. The victim sustained multiple injuries, including a fractured hand, a broken nose, extensive bruising, and black eyes.

After a public appeal for information and CCTV images, the brothers were identified and admitted to the charge of attempted grievous bodily harm with intent. The judge condemned the attack as cowardly and brutal, stating that the victim was left defenseless against the assault.

Despite the severity of the attack, the judge considered the brothers’ lack of prior convictions, stable relationships, and remorse. As a result, their two-year prison sentences were suspended for two years. However, they were ordered to complete rehabilitation programs, perform 300 hours of unpaid work, adhere to a 12-month nighttime curfew, and undergo 60-day alcohol monitoring requirements. Additionally, each brother was required to compensate the victim £1,200 for the harm caused.