Youth Camp Staffer Seeks Justice Against Teen Accused of Attempted Murder and Sexual Assault

Las Vegas, Nevada – The aftermath of a violent incident two years ago on Mount Charleston has left a victim seeking justice in a civil court. The victim, who was dedicated to helping the accused teenager, is now facing a long legal battle to hold both the perpetrator and the county accountable. The accused, Tavari Pearson, was just 15 years old when he allegedly sexually assaulted and attempted to kill the victim, who was a staffer at Spring Mountain Youth Camp.

The victim’s attorney recently spoke exclusively with investigators, shedding light on the troubling circumstances surrounding the attack. Pearson, who was already in trouble with the law and in custody at Spring Mountain Youth Camp, allegedly carried out the brutal assault during an outdoor counseling session with the victim. The lawsuit filed in Clark County District Court outlines the horrific attack, detailing how Pearson viciously beat, sexually assaulted, and left the victim in a ravine to die before being found by rescue teams.

The incident has raised serious questions about the safety and security protocols at Spring Mountain Youth Camp. According to the victim’s attorney, the camp failed to properly assess and monitor Pearson’s violent history, ultimately putting both the victim and other staffers at risk. The lawsuit highlights the lack of adequate security measures at the facility, pointing out the absence of surveillance cameras, patrols, and emergency alarms that could have prevented the attack.

Despite the victim’s dedication to helping troubled youth at the camp, the lawsuit underscores the county’s negligence in ensuring a safe working environment for mental health counselors. The victim, who sustained severe injuries during the assault, is still unable to resume her counseling duties and remains out of work. The lawsuit accuses Clark County of security and training failures that ultimately led to the violent incident.

As the legal battle unfolds, the victim’s attorney is fighting for accountability and justice, emphasizing the need for stricter measures to prevent similar incidents in the future. The trial for Tavari Pearson is set for June, with the victim hoping to secure a sense of closure and justice after the traumatic ordeal. The case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of prioritizing safety and protection in facilities meant to rehabilitate and support troubled youth.