Kyiv Police Bomb Squad Destroys 250 Russian Anti-Personnel Mines “Petal” in Izyum District

In Izyum district, located in the Kharkiv region of Ukraine, the Kyiv police bomb squad recently carried out a vital mission. Approximately 250 Russian anti-personnel mines known as “Petal” were found by a local farmer while tending to his field. This alarming discovery prompted a response from law enforcement, as reported on social media by the Kyiv police.

The farmer, residing in the Izyum district, alerted authorities about the presence of explosive devices left behind by the Russian military. Upon inspection, Kyiv police explosives experts uncovered nearly 250 PFM-1S anti-personnel mines, also referred to as “Petal,” scattered across a significant portion of the field. The painstaking process of clearing the hazardous area, which also included a nearby mined cemetery, spanned a month.

To ensure the safety of the community, the explosives experts proceeded to destroy the dangerous mines through controlled detonations. Unfortunately, during the demining operations in the area, a Kyiv police explosive technician sustained injuries from an explosion caused by an enemy mine. The injured officer is currently receiving medical treatment at a hospital.

Despite the risks involved, the Kyiv bomb squad remains committed to their duty of clearing liberated territories from lethal traps left behind by invaders. This ongoing effort is crucial in safeguarding cities and villages from the looming danger posed by undetected mines and explosive devices. The dedication and bravery displayed by the law enforcement officers in this dangerous task are commendable.

Additionally, incidents like the recent tractor explosion on an anti-personnel mine near the village of Turove in the Zolochiv community serve as poignant reminders of the lurking threats within war-torn regions. As the Kyiv police continue their demining efforts, the need for vigilance and caution remains paramount to prevent further casualties and ensure the safety of the local population.

The disposal of these mines highlights the ongoing challenges faced by communities in conflict-affected areas and the crucial role played by security forces in mitigating these dangers. It is a testament to the resilience and dedication of the Kyiv police bomb squad in protecting civilians and restoring peace in war-torn regions.