Explosion at Chemical Factory in Mold Sends One to Hospital

Mold, Wales – One person was hospitalized following an explosion and fire at a chemical factory in Mold, located in Flintshire, North Wales. The incident occurred in the production area of the Synthite factory on Denbigh Road around 2:05 PM BST, according to the North Wales Fire and Rescue Service.

Approximately 20 workers and contractors were evacuated from the premises, with authorities putting up a police cordon around the factory. While the fire is now believed to be under control, emergency crews are still on site to monitor the situation.

Nathan Black, a contractor working at the factory, described hearing a sudden loud bang followed by a series of explosions. Workers quickly evacuated the area, with the fire escalating in intensity. Nearby witnesses reported seeing flames and hearing loud bangs similar to gas canisters exploding during the incident.

Sam Evans, who was at a nearby building supply company, recounted the initial moments of the event, noting the presence of smoke and subsequent flames. His partner Emily Jones rushed to pick him up following the unsettling series of explosions.

Mold town councillor Megan Lloyd Hughes provided updates on the situation, stating that the situation was now stabilized after multiple explosions. Meanwhile, North Wales Police closed the A541 road from the junction at Dreflan to Black Brook Road Rhyd y Goleu, with road closures expected to remain in place until the area is deemed safe.

Synthite, a chemical production plant established in the 1950s, specializes in the manufacturing of formaldehyde and agricultural chemicals on the site. Investigations into the cause of the explosion and fire are ongoing, with authorities working to ensure the safety of the surrounding area.