Mass Murder Memorial Ride Honors Henryetta Victims and Raises Awareness

Henryetta, Oklahoma – One year since the tragic murder of five innocent teens by a convicted rapist, a memorial ride is set to honor their lives this Sunday. Brittany Brewer, Ivy Webster, Tiffany Guess, Rylee Allen, and Michael Mayo lost their lives at the hands of Jesse McFadden, who also killed his wife before taking his own life.

The Medical Examiner’s report revealed disturbing injuries consistent with sexual assault on some of the victims, shedding light on the heinous crimes committed by McFadden. His early release from prison, after serving only 17 out of 20 years for a rape conviction, sparked outrage and calls for stricter laws on sex offenders.

In response to the tragedy, the Oklahoma House of Representatives passed House Bill 3992, also known as Knight’s Law, imposing harsher penalties on multiple sex crimes, including life imprisonment without parole. This legislative action was taken in memory of the young victims who lost their lives in Henryetta.

The memorial ride, organized by Nathan Brewer, Brittany’s father, aims not only to honor the lost lives but also to raise awareness about the importance of knowing where children are and who they are with at all times. Brewer expressed his desire to prevent other parents from experiencing the same pain he has endured, emphasizing the need for increased vigilance and awareness in protecting children from harm.

Scheduled to start at noon at Nichols Park in Henryetta, the ride will offer participants a chance to commemorate the victims while also enjoying food trucks, vendors, and live music. Check-in for the event begins at 10 a.m., with the ride kicking off from the ball field parking lot.

Individuals interested in joining the ride can pre-register online to participate in the event. Through this memorial ride, the community comes together to remember the lives lost and advocate for greater awareness and vigilance in safeguarding children from potential threats.