Explosion at Cambodian Military Base Kills 20 Soldiers in Accident Caused by Old Ammunition

Phnom Penh, Cambodia – Cambodia’s Defense Ministry announced on Thursday that a tragic explosion at a military base in the southwestern part of the country resulted in the death of 20 soldiers and left many others injured. According to the ministry, the incident was caused by a “technical issue” related to old and degraded ammunition that was being relocated at the base.

The army initially suspected that the explosion, which took place on Saturday, was due to mishandling of ammunition by the troops. However, an allegation made by an exiled opposition politician suggested that the explosion might have been an intentional attack. The opposition leader, Sam Rainsy, claimed on social media that anti-government dissidents were behind the blast, though no evidence was presented to support this claim.

The Defense Ministry responded to these claims by stating that their investigation had concluded that the explosion was indeed an accident, despite reports circulating on social media by “a group of extremists” spreading false information. The ministry also warned that spreading misinformation about the incident could result in legal consequences.

According to Army spokesperson Maj. Gen. Mao Phalla, the explosion occurred while soldiers were in the process of moving ammunition into a storage facility. The blast caused the immediate death of 20 individuals and left another 11, including soldiers and nearby villagers, with minor injuries from debris. The explosion not only destroyed military vehicles and several buildings at the base but also caused damage to homes in a nearby village.

The tragic incident in Kampong Speu province has raised questions about safety protocols and the handling of old and degraded ammunition within the military. As the country mourns the loss of the soldiers and hopes for a speedy recovery for the injured, the Defense Ministry is working to ensure that such accidents do not occur in the future.