**Abuse**: Details Emerge About South Carolina Woman’s Tragic Death & Allegations of Relationship Abuses

Myrtle Beach, South Carolina – New details have emerged from police reports obtained by NewsNation surrounding the tragic death of Mica Miller. Miller’s passing has been ruled a suicide, but her friends and family have raised concerns about her well-being leading up to the incident, hinting at a potentially abusive relationship with her estranged husband.

According to the reports, Miller had been in contact with the police multiple times in the months preceding her death. She had been separated from her husband since January 2023 and alleged that he had stolen her car, placed a tracking device in her vehicle, and hospitalized her against her will. John-Paul Miller, her estranged husband, admitted to placing the tracking device while denying any physical harm towards her.

Concerns about the nature of the relationship between Mica and John-Paul were raised by a friend, Tim Carter, who recounted a conversation where John-Paul expressed fear of being shot by Mica. This conversation, coupled with Mica’s posts about leaving abusive relationships on social media, shed light on the struggles she was facing.

Friends and acquaintances of Mica spoke out about her ordeal, describing her efforts to distance herself from John-Paul and seek help. Angela Brian Clark, another friend, highlighted the complexity of the situation and the impact of psychological abuse on victims like Mica.

In response to the growing “rumors” and accusations, John-Paul Miller issued a statement through his attorney, refuting claims of spousal abuse and discrediting the allegations circulating in the media. However, Mica’s father hinted at seeking justice for his daughter, suggesting that there is more to the story that needs to be uncovered.

The case of Mica Miller’s death continues to unfold, with friends, family, and authorities grappling with the complexities of the circumstances leading up to her tragic passing. As details from the police reports come to light, the true nature of the relationship between Mica and John-Paul Miller remains at the forefront of the investigation.