KSU Student Tragically Killed in Campus Shooting, Friend Describes Emotional Discovery

Kennesaw, Georgia – A tragic incident unfolded at Kennesaw State University when 21-year-old Samuel Harris allegedly shot and killed a female student on campus. The victim, identified as Alasia Franklin, was found by a friend, Anthony Harrison, who was left devastated by the shocking discovery. Harrison, a senior and Vice President of the Student Government Association at KSU, recounted the harrowing experience of not recognizing Franklin as he called 911, highlighting the emotional toll of the event.

The details leading up to the shooting remain undisclosed, but Harris is now facing multiple charges, including murder, in Cobb County. Franklin, a vibrant and engaged member of the community, was involved in various student organizations and was known for her positive and outgoing personality. Her untimely death has left her friends and colleagues mourning the loss of a dedicated and passionate individual.

Harrison, visibly shaken by the tragedy, emphasized the need for increased campus security measures in light of the incident. He called for the installation of more cameras and security gates around student housing to ensure the safety of the university’s community members. The shooting has sparked discussions about safety protocols on campus, with university officials yet to respond to inquiries about potential enhancements.

As the community grapples with the aftermath of this senseless act of violence, the focus remains on honoring Franklin’s memory and advocating for a safer environment for all students and staff at Kennesaw State University. The impact of the tragedy serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of ensuring a secure and supportive campus atmosphere for everyone.

Ultimately, the loss of Alasia Franklin has reverberated through the university community, prompting reflections on the need for increased safety measures and a renewed commitment to preserving the well-being of all individuals on campus. As investigations continue and discussions around campus security intensify, the legacy of Franklin’s vibrant spirit and dedication to her community will endure as a guiding light for the university’s path forward.