Hate Crime: Chinese American Assaulted by Group in Chicago’s South Loop

Chicago, Illinois – A violent incident targeting a Chinese American man in Chicago’s South Loop has sparked outrage and calls for justice. Kevin Qin, a 41-year-old man, was attacked by a group of seven to ten men outside a grocery store on Tuesday night. The assailants reportedly yelled racial slurs at Qin before physically assaulting him.

Qin, a former U.S. Marine who served in Iraq, described being surrounded and dragged to the ground by the group, eventually losing consciousness during the attack. Although Qin managed to escape with the help of a bystander and call the police, he was still taken to the hospital for medical treatment.

Community activists and Qin himself are labeling the attack as a hate crime, emphasizing the racial motivations believed to be behind the violent incident. Despite these assertions, the police have not officially classified the assault as a hate crime and are currently investigating the matter.

Reflecting on the attack, Qin expressed his gratitude for not sustaining more serious injuries, attributing his ability to defend himself to his military training. He stressed the importance of self-defense training for individuals who may encounter similar situations in the future.

The incident has reignited discussions about racial violence and discrimination targeting Asian Americans, with many calling for increased awareness and protection for vulnerable communities. The Asian American community in Chicago and beyond is demanding justice for Qin and harsher penalties for those responsible for the attack.

As investigations continue and the community rallies around Qin, the incident serves as a stark reminder of the persistent challenges faced by minority communities in America. The call for solidarity and action against hate crimes and racial violence remains a pressing issue in today’s society, as individuals like Qin continue to seek justice and recognition for the harm inflicted upon them.