Abductor Who Brutally Assaulted Woman for 21 Hours Receives 12-Year Sentence

Aberdeen, Scotland – A man who subjected a woman to a brutal and prolonged assault lasting over 21 hours has been sentenced to prison. Leslie Jackson, 38, inflicted 54 separate injuries on his victim during the attack that took place on July 30, 2022, in Aberdeen. Despite the presence of a young child, Jackson repeatedly punched the woman in the face, causing her to lose consciousness. He then proceeded to strangle her and strike her with a knife. Threatening her with harm, he held the weapon across her mouth, suggesting a ‘Chelsea smile’. The following day, the victim escaped by leaping from a ground floor window with a makeshift tourniquet on her leg.

Appearing at the High Court in Glasgow on May 8, 2024, Jackson confessed to charges of abduction, assault causing severe injury, permanent disfigurement, and endangerment of life. He was handed an extended sentence of 12 years, with eight to be served in custody at the High Court in Glasgow on June 5, 2024. Moira Orr, overseeing homicide and major crime for the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service, expressed support for the victim and her loved ones, acknowledging the lasting trauma that such violence can cause.

Orr condemned Jackson’s vicious actions, labeling them as horrific and abhorrent. She stressed the commitment to prosecuting such crimes, denouncing them as an unacceptable blight on society. Orr urged other victims or witnesses of similar offenses to come forward, report their experiences, and seek assistance. The impact of such violent acts on survivors and their families, particularly children and young individuals who may witness it, cannot be understated. By taking a stand against such behavior, the prosecution aims to address these unacceptable crimes and provide support to those affected.

The case highlights the importance of holding perpetrators accountable and providing resources for those impacted by violence. The sentencing of Jackson serves as a reminder that such actions will not be tolerated, and justice will be pursued for those who suffer at the hands of abusers. The incident underscores the need for continued vigilance in combating domestic violence and ensuring that victims receive the care and support they deserve. By speaking out and seeking help, individuals can take steps towards healing and justice in the aftermath of such traumatic experiences.