Femicide in Colombia: American Man Sentenced to 42 Years for Murder of Colombian DJ

BOGOTA, Colombia – In a courtroom in Bogota, an American man received a 42-year prison sentence for the murder of a renowned Colombian DJ, igniting outrage among women’s rights activists worldwide. John Nelson Poulos, apprehended in Panama in January 2023, had fled Colombian authorities after committing the heinous act against 23-year-old Valentina Trespalacios, his girlfriend of less than a year. Prosecutors detailed how Poulos viciously assaulted and smothered Trespalacios during a fit of jealousy.

Security footage captured Poulos leaving his apartment, pushing a cart carrying a large suitcase containing Trespalacios’ lifeless body, which was later found discarded in a trash bin. This chilling incident shines a light on the prevalence of femicide in Colombia, a country where the Colombian Femicide Observatory reported 612 instances in contrast to the government’s official count of 100 in the previous year alone. The gravity of femicide as a distinct crime in Colombia since 2015 has raised concerns about entrenched gender imbalances.

Femicide, as explained by the European Institute for Gender Equality, illustrates the deep-rooted power differentials in society that perpetuate unequal treatment between men and women. The widespread definition of femicide encompasses various forms of gender-based killings, such as intimate partner violence, misogynistic slayings, and honor-related murders. The devastating impact of such crimes extends beyond individual tragedies, sparking a call to end femicide globally.

Family members of Valentina Trespalacios, like her uncle Carlos Trespalacios, have voiced their anguish and determination to seek justice for her and advocate against femicide internationally. Poulos, who previously resided in Wisconsin with his family before the murder and subsequent legal proceedings, has drawn attention to the urgent need for accountability in cases of gender-based violence. As the legal proceedings unfold, the ramifications of this case serve as a poignant reminder of the ongoing battle against femicide and the imperative to address systemic inequalities.