Assault Alert: Man Sought in Seattle’s Wedgwood Neighborhood for Random Attack on Family

SEATTLE, WA – A family in Seattle’s Wedgwood neighborhood was subjected to a vicious and unprovoked attack, leaving neighbors shaken and concerned about the safety of their community. The incident took place on June 9, 2024, when a 70-year-old father and his grown son were assaulted while on a walk near Wedgwood Elementary School along 31st Avenue NE.

According to reports, the assault was sudden and unexpected, with the suspect approaching the family from behind and attacking them without reason. The father attempted to intervene to protect his son, only to become a target of the assailant as well. The violence of the attack left the 70-year-old man injured and in need of medical attention.

Residents in Wedgwood expressed shock and fear over the incident, citing a recent spate of crimes in the area that have left them on edge. One neighbor, Scott Waterman, recounted his own encounter with the suspect, emphasizing the unpredictability and brazenness of the attack.

Despite efforts by the police, including the deployment of a tracking dog, the suspect remains at large, leaving the community on high alert. Concerns about the overall safety of the neighborhood have been amplified by a perceived lack of resolution in previous reported crimes, leading residents to call for stronger actions from city leadership.

The incident has underscored a broader issue of rising violent crime in northeast Seattle, prompting calls for increased community engagement and support for law enforcement. As investigations continue and residents come to terms with the aftermath of the assault, the need for proactive measures to address crime and ensure the safety of the community remains a top priority for all involved.