Innocent Grandmother Killed in Vicious Brooklyn Murder Plot: Woman Sentenced to 20 Years

Brooklyn, NY – Layla Adredini, a 33-year-old resident of Stuyvesant Heights, Brooklyn, has been sentenced to 20 years to life in prison after being found guilty of second-degree murder and attempted murder. The sentencing was handed down by Brooklyn Supreme Court Justice Michael Kitsis following a jury trial that concluded last month.

Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez emphasized the severity of the crime committed on August 24, 2021. Adredini drove her SUV onto the sidewalk at 2185 Pacific Street with the intention of striking a male acquaintance, but tragically hit 70-year-old Brenda Ann Whidbee, who was seated outside her home. The impact resulted in fatal injuries for Whidbee, a beloved grandmother and longtime community member, who was pronounced dead at Brookdale Hospital. Adredini attempted to flee on foot but was apprehended by local residents.

In response to the heinous act, DA Gonzalez stated, “Today’s sentence holds this defendant accountable for her shocking and depraved actions that cost an innocent woman her life.” The prosecution of the case was led by Senior Assistant District Attorney Daphney Gachette and Senior Assistant District Attorney Gianna Del Grippo, under the supervision of Assistant District Attorney Leila Rosini, Homicide Bureau Chief.

The sentencing hopes to bring some semblance of closure to Whidbee’s family and friends, who were devastated by the loss of their loved one due to Adredini’s reckless actions.

The tragic incident serves as a stark reminder of the consequences of impulsive behavior and the devastating impact it can have on innocent lives. Adredini’s sentencing stands as a testament to the justice system’s commitment to holding individuals accountable for their actions, especially when they result in the loss of life.

As the community mourns the loss of Brenda Ann Whidbee, they also reflect on the preciousness of life and the importance of safeguarding the well-being of all individuals. The sentencing of Layla Adredini serves as a reminder of the value of justice in upholding the sanctity of human life and providing closure to those affected by senseless acts of violence.