Brooklyn Man Receives 17-Year Sentence for Sexual Assault on Elderly Woman

Brooklyn, N.Y. – A Brooklyn resident, Leroy Hatcher, 44, has received a prison sentence of 17 years to life following his conviction on charges of first-degree attempted criminal sexual act and first-degree sexual abuse. The sentencing, announced by the district attorney, occurred after Hatcher admitted to the violent assault of a 62-year-old woman in early 2021.

The attack unfolded on a cold February morning as the woman, a resident of the Stuyvesant Heights neighborhood, was heading to work. Prosecutors detailed that Hatcher forcibly dragged the victim into an alleyway, threatened her at knifepoint, and committed the assault.

“This case was particularly shocking due to the violent nature of the crime and the vulnerability of the victim,” stated Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez. He further emphasized the commitment of his office to address and prosecute cases of sexual violence vigorously to ensure community safety.

District Attorney Gonzalez highlighted the significant prison term handed down by Brooklyn Supreme Seek.A. Chun as reflective of the severe nature of the offense and the need for justice on behalf of the victim.

The successful identification and arrest of Hatcher were aided considerably by surveillance footage from the area near 482 Kosciuszko St., where the crime occurred. The conclusive evidence came from DNA analysis, which matched samples from both the victim and a condom found at the scene.

Senior Assistant District Attorney Gwen Barnes and Assistant District Attorney Sherri Litvak from the Special Victims Bureau prosecuted the case. Under the supervision of Bureau Chief Miss Gregory, the team worked closely to ensure a solid case against Hatcher, leading to his guilty plea.

The prompt resolution of this case also underscored the functioning of the criminal justice system in leveraging technology and forensic science to solve crimes and secure convictions. The presence of multiple surveillance cameras in the vicinity and the rapid work of forensic analysts played a crucial role in achieving justice for the victim.

In response to this incident and others, community leaders in Stuyvesan.
ights have called for increased safety measures, including enhanced street lighting and more surveillance cameras. Local advocacy groups have also ramped up efforts to educate residents on safety and awareness, aiming to prevent such heinous crimes.

As Hatcher begins his sentence, the district attorney’s office reiterates its stance on zero tolerance for sexual violence, promising to hold perpetrators accountable and support the healing process of victims. The community, while shaken by the ordeal, continues to foster resilience and cooperation with law enforcement to ensure such events do not repeat.