Attack on Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Ends in 30-Year Prison Sentence

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) – In a shocking turn of events, David DePape, the man convicted of trying to abduct former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and assaulting her husband with a hammer, has been sentenced to 30 years in prison by Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley. This punishment comes after DePape was found guilty last November on charges of attempting to kidnap a federal official and attacking a family member of a federal official. Despite the prosecution’s …

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Statement from Nancy Pelosi’s Spokesperson on Sentencing of David DePape: A Message of Accountability and Justice

San Francisco, California – Following the sentencing of David DePape to 30 years in prison, U.S. House Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi’s spokesperson issued a statement addressing the outcome. DePape is convicted of a series of robberies in several states, raising concerns in the community. The spokesperson emphasized the importance of maintaining safety and security in the face of such crimes. They stated that DePape’s actions have caused harm to multiple individuals and businesses, highlighting the …

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Attack on Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Leads to 30-Year Prison Sentence

San Francisco, California – A federal judge sentenced a man to 30 years in prison for breaking into the home of House Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi and assaulting her husband with a hammer in 2022. The man, David DePape, was convicted of kidnapping and assault in November, leading to the sentencing decision by Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley. Prosecutors had requested a 40-year sentence for DePape, while his defense attorneys argued for a 14-year term. DePape, …

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Sentenced: Man Who Attempted to Kidnap Nancy Pelosi’s Husband Gets 30 Years in Prison

San Francisco, California – A man convicted of attempting to kidnap then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and attacking her husband with a hammer has been sentenced to 30 years in prison. Judge Jacqueline Scott Corley handed down the sentence for David DePape, 44, who was found guilty of attempted kidnapping of a federal official and assault on the immediate family member of a federal official. The prosecutors had initially requested a 40-year prison term, but DePape …

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Husband of Nancy Pelosi Still Suffering from Hammer Attack Over a Year Later, Seeks Long Sentence for Attacker

San Francisco, California – Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is advocating for a lengthy prison sentence for the man who assaulted her husband, Paul Pelosi, in their home over a year ago. Paul Pelosi has detailed ongoing health struggles stemming from the attack, including dizziness, headaches, balance issues, nerve pain, and difficulty walking. In a letter submitted to a federal judge, Paul Pelosi expressed the challenges he faces daily due to the attack, such as …

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Jokes About Violent Attack on Nancy Pelosi’s Husband: “He Needs a Hammer” – Fox Host Sparks Outrage with Crass Comment

San Francisco, CA – Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi expressed her reluctance to discuss a recent incident involving her husband, stating, “I have not discussed this incident with anybody. And I have encouraged my family not to either. I have tried to put it out of my mind.” Pelosi’s remarks come in response to a joke made by a Fox News host regarding a violent attack on her husband, further deepening the controversy surrounding …

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Capitol Police Officer Endorsed for Maryland Congressional Seat by Nancy Pelosi

ANNAPOLIS, Maryland – Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has thrown her support behind former Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn’s bid for the 3rd Congressional District seat in Maryland, endorsing the Democrat in his campaign. Pelosi highlighted Dunn’s bravery during the violent attack on the Capitol building on January 6, 2021, praising his heroism in defending democracy during that tumultuous day. She commended Dunn for his courage and steadfastness in protecting the Capitol, its occupants, and …

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