Trump’s Massive Deportation Operation Unveiled!

Former President Trump is considering a significant deportation effort targeting undocumented immigrants if he wins a non-consecutive second term in the coming year. As reported by the New York Post, a potential second Trump term would involve the rounding up of undocumented individuals into large detention centers for subsequent forcible removal from the country. The objective is to send back millions of undocumented immigrants each year to their countries of origin. In addition to the …

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Nikki Haley Aptly Compares Senate to a Nursing Home, Calls For McConnell’s Resignation

Nikki Haley, an aspiring contender in the race for the Republican presidential nomination, has taken a notable stance in response to the recent occurrences involving Senator Mitch McConnell. Republican leader McConnell experienced his second episode of freezing up, raising concerns about his health and ability to fulfill his duties. This latest incident took place on August 30 in Covington, Kentucky. Haley, renowned for her previous roles as the governor of South Carolina and the United …

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Bolton: Democrats Playing Russian Roulette With Trump’s Indictments

Legal proceedings are currently underway for former President Trump, who has been arraigned at a federal courthouse located near the U.S. Capitol. The charges leveled against him are nothing short of serious, comprising four felony counts, all related to alleged efforts to subvert the 2020 presidential election, with a particular focus on his purported involvement in the tumultuous events of January 6, 2021, which saw a shocking and unprecedented riot at the nation’s political epicenter. …

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