Schizophrenic E-Scooter Rider Stabs Multiple Victims in Nottinghamshire Rampage

Nottingham, United Kingdom – In Nottinghamshire, a 20-year-old paranoid schizophrenic man, Junior Dietlin, rode an e-scooter and launched a series of unprovoked attacks on five people in the street. Dietlin believed that people were recording him and that his mother was poisoning his food, leading him to lose weight. The attacks took place in Mansfield and Mapperley, Nottinghamshire, where Dietlin would sneak up behind his victims and stab them in the upper arm before fleeing …

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Apology and Appeal: Schizophrenic Man Sentenced to 55 Years for Gruesome Murder in Clark County, Indiana

CLARK COUNTY, Ind. — In July 2021, a horrifying crime shocked the community of Clarksville, Indiana. 67-year-old Melody Gambetty was brutally murdered and dismembered by Brian Williams, who then set her home on fire. Almost three years later, Williams expressed remorse for his actions during his sentencing. Williams, who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia, begged for leniency from the court. His legal team requested a 45-year sentence instead of the maximum 55 years, arguing that …

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