Shift in Israel’s Tactics Reduces Civilian Casualties in Gaza, Despite Heavy Conflict

JERUSALEM — An in-depth analysis of casualties in the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas indicates a significant reduction in the rate of Palestinian women and children killed. This decrease, covered by Gaza Health Ministry data, suggests a shift coinciding with Israel’s altered military tactics. Introduced in the brutal eight-months-long war, these tactics are at the center of a broader international debate about civilian casualties and the conduct of warfare in densely populated areas. The …

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Government Accused of Evasion Tactics in Sean Brown Murder Case Dispute

Bellaghy, Northern Ireland – The family of Sean Brown has accused the government of attempting to delay a public inquiry into his 1997 murder by entangling them in lengthy legal processes. Brown, a Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) official, was abducted and killed in a tragic incident that has left his loved ones seeking justice for over two decades. In March, the coroner overseeing the inquest into Brown’s death requested a public inquiry, but the government …

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Violence Must Be Rejected in 2024 Campaign: Biden Campaign Denounces Trump’s Tactics

WASHINGTON – President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign is urging voters to reject violence as a means of political expression during this year’s campaign cycle. Former U.S. Capitol Police Sergeant Aquilino Gonell, District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Officer Daniel Hodges, and Biden-Harris Communications Director Michael Tyler emphasized the importance of denouncing violence and criticized former President Donald Trump for his rhetoric. Tyler emphasized that political violence has no place in the United States and should not …

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**Violence-Free Call to Action: Biden Campaign Urges Voters to Reject Trump’s Campaign Tactics**

WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden’s campaign launched a plea to voters on Monday, urging them to reject violence as a tactic in the current election cycle. In a press conference, former U.S. Capitol Police Sergeant Aquilino Gonell, District of Columbia Metropolitan Police Officer Daniel Hodges, and Biden-Harris Communications Director Michael Tyler emphasized the importance of denouncing any form of political violence. Tyler asserted that the promotion of political violence should have no place in the …

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De-Escalation Tactics: Learn to Avoid and Survive Violent Situations

Los Angeles, CA – Understanding the distinction between social violence and criminal violence is essential for self-defense, especially for women. Social violence revolves around competition for dominance, status, or territory, while criminal violence involves taking something by force or inflicting harm for enjoyment. The danger for women usually arises from being caught in the middle of social violence between others, but the information also applies to dealing with resource predators or domestic abusers. Peyton Quinn, …

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Terrorist Suspect in Reading Park Murders Possibly Trained in Military Tactics

Authorities in Reading, England are investigating the brutal murder of three men in a park, suspected to have been carried out by an Islamic terrorist. The assailant may have gained the skills to commit the heinous act during military training, raising concerns about the potential for radicalization within military institutions. The suspect, identified as 25-year-old Khairi Saadallah, attacked the victims with a knife in Forbury Gardens, a popular park in the town of Reading. The …

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