Trump to Declare Which Documents Were Planted by the FBI

The special master designated to analyze documents taken by federal investigators at Donald Trump’s Florida resort has given the former president until next Friday to back up his claim that the FBI planted evidence during the August 8 search.

DOJ Allowed to Continue Their Diabolical Criminal Investigation Against Trump

A federal court temporarily blocked the government from utilizing secret materials to investigate whether the former president improperly kept national defense documents. An appeals court on Wednesday reinstated the Justice Department’s access to secret materials removed from former President Donald Trump’s Florida home last month, providing a victory to federal investigators.

DOJ Two Sets of Rules Trump vs. Clinton

Clinton’s leniency contrasts with Attorney General Merrick Garland’s rigorous investigation of former President Trump and his lawyers for allegedly hindering investigators at his Florida property. Legal experts think Trump’s double standard may be a viable argument.

Trump One, DOJ Still Zero – Appeal to Come

The Department of Justice (DOJ) has requested a federal judge to delay a portion of her order halting its criminal investigation into documents seized in search of former President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago residence. The DOJ argued that Mr. Trump had no right to the 100 classified documents at the center of the investigation.

Former Trump Advisor: They are Coming After All of Us

Former Trump adviser and a top ally, Steve Bannon, is expected to face criminal charges Thursday following an investigation into a crowdfunding campaign to build a wall along the southern U.S. border, people familiar with the matter said.

Trump’s Truth Social Merger in Peril

Digital World Acquisition Corp (DWAC), which plans to merge with former President Donald Trump’s fledgling media group, may have to abandon the multibillion-dollar deal.

Trump One, Department of Justice Zero

The Labor Day Order, issued by Judge Cannon, handed a big win to Trump’s legal team. Cannon stated that the US Supreme court left the door open on Executive Privilege, and as such, Trump can now claim materials as both Attorney-Client and Executive Privilege. Under Executive Privilege, the President can withhold information from the public and Congress.

Trump Blasts Hateful MAGA Comments and Outrageous FBI Behavior in Pennsylvania

Joe Biden came to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to make the vilest, bigoted, and divisive speech ever given by an American president, Trump told a raucous audience at the Scranton event. There is only one party waging war with American democracy, restricting free expression and criminalizing the opposition, Trump blasted.

MAGA  an Extreme Threat

According to Biden, MAGA is an extreme threat to the nation. In fact, it is so extreme that he will use prime time tv on Thursday to address the issue. The timing, of course, is the mid-term elections in November. This is the same President that ran on a platform about uniting the country. The same President said he was reducing the deficit with the Inflation Reduction Act only to turn around and increase the deficit the next month. The same President who uses a 2003 law and a national emergency (Covid-19) to justify student loan forgiveness.